Saturday, June 9, 2012


Children are now being named after brands...

Chanel, Armani, Prada and Gucci to name a few! 

My child is named after a brand...what does that mean?!

Children are so brand saturated by the time they enter school it is ridiculous - is your child (niece, nephew, stepchild, godchild, friends child) a brand? What brand are they?

You are a constant model to children you spend time with in every way. Your actions speak far louder than words.

If you have children in your life what values are you passing onto them, they don't necessarily need to be your own children.
What are you demonstrating to them?

What do you value?

What values to you propose?

Do you demonstrate self worth and integrity in your decision making and lifestyle or are you impressing upon them the importance of branding and consumerism? Are you creating a misplaced emotional hunger falsely sated by shop shop shopping?

Do you tell them jewellery has value and status and then show the child's lack of value by not investing time with them?

Is your love expressed monetarily or organically?

This ain't no happy child.
Are you to busy to nurture any child even if not your own? Those children might require higher levels of attention as basic emotional needs are not being met. The child has instinctual needs, core needs at all stages of their life - into early adulthood too.

We all need to be listened to, nurtured, loved unconditionally and accepted particularly as a child/young adult. I believe many an unhappy teenager might just needs a little more time and love from the people around them - not things.

I have tried to raise my children and install in the many children around me human kindness, integrity, dignity and the love we all deserve... and it is free.

Some time and energy is all that is required and it comes back 10 fold, not a bad return for the outlay.

At the end of the day they will value a meaningful talk or hug, an silly moment, a belly laugh, the best meal, a kindness expressed. Not the amount of money or status - sure its all nice but if the rest is missing its worth nothing.

Children try and test us at every turn, but we are here to help them on their journey. We have had our turn as children and while I may have been lucky enough to have grown up without need or want, the toys, jewellery or holidays are not the things I recall with warmth - the brands and expense hold no value now.

I recall so many simple things warmly that did not cost a cent. I don't want to install brand loyalty, pretentiousness and preciousness.

I want and hope to raise and affect the children around me in a way that lets them know that I love them for who they are for what they naturally are unconditionally not what they commercially consume or what brand name they may sport or wear.

My sons.

I want them to understand they alone are enough and are priceless as individuals and human beings.

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